
Items are on sale at the Museum during normal opening hours. Items can also be ordered by post with payment by cheque or by PayPal.

Note: Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a total cost including P+P if purchasing by post.  


We have a stock of other small items, along with lots of photographs that you can browse through in the Museum.



CDs & DVDs

Images from the Saltash Heritage Collection, Volume 1 £6.00 plus P+P

Images from the Saltash Heritage Collection, Volume 2 £6.00 plus P+P

Images from the Saltash Heritage Collection, Volume 3 £6.00 plus P+P


Building The Tamar Bridge - A Photographic Record compiled by Terry Cummings £10.00 + P+P

A Tale Of Retail by Bruce Hunt £12.00 plus P+P

"Please, Sir!" by Bruce Hunt £5.95 plus P+P

T.S. Mount Edgecumbe by Bruce Hunt £12.95 + P+P

Saltash, Yesterday and Today by Bruce Hunt £19.50 plus P+P

Pastimes In Past Times by Bruce Hunt £4.95 plus P+P

Fire Beacons To Fibre Optics by Bruce Hunt £5.95 plus P+P

Saltash Blue Plaque Trail by Bruce Hunt £3.50 plus P+P

Ann Glanville - The Myths and The Facts by Terry Cummings £4.00 plus P+P

Saltash Ferry - 2018 impression by Bruce Hunt £12.95 plus P+P


John Henry Martin - 1836-1906 by Gary Pickard £11.25 plus P+P

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